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In a vault at the South West end of
this church is deposited the Body of
EDWARD PECK Esqr , who departed
this life the 19th of June 1736 in the
75th Year of his Age.
He was One of the Commissioners for
Building the fifty new Churches and
in this Corner laid the first stone
of this Stately Fabrick Anno 1715.
In the same vault is deposited the
Body of ELIZABETH Wife of the
said Edwd Peck who departed
this Life the 25th of July 1730 in
the 62 Year of her Age.
Likewise the Body of Mrs DEBORAH
late Wife of JOHN PECK Esqr who
Departed this Life the 26th of
November 1739 in the 36th
Year of her Age.
Also the Body of JOHN PECK Esqr
who departed this life on the 14th
Day of March 1748 in the 48th Year
of his age.
He was the last male issue of Ed PECK Esq.
whose excellent virtues he imitated and
was both the Christian and the Gentleman
To whose Memory this Monument is erected by
their surviving son JNO PECK Anno 1737
Peck, Edward
Location: Sanctuary, south side
Edward Peck (d.1736) was one of the commissioners appointed by Parliament under the fifty New Churches act, and laid the foundation stone of Christ Church Spitalfields. The monument was erected in 1737 and is by Thomas Dunn, stone mason of the church.
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